PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

smol_k8s_lab 5.5.0 CLI and TUI to quickly install slimmer Kubernetes distros and then manage apps declaratively using Argo CD 2024-06-13 08:47:44
openbrokerapi 4.7.0 A python package for the V2 CF Service Broker API and Open Broker API (version 2.13+) 2024-06-06 18:24:55
ecs_files_composer 2.1.4 Files and configuration handler to inject configuration files into volumes for ECS containers 2024-05-19 05:55:20
spark-on-k8s 0.7.2 A Python package to submit and manage Apache Spark applications on Kubernetes. 2024-05-13 07:52:39
pypz-k8s-deployer 0.9.1 This package provides the Kubernetes implementation of the deployer interface for pypz. 2024-04-18 05:49:13
strimzi-kafka-cli 0.1.0a78 Command Line Interface for Strimzi Kafka Operator 2024-03-21 23:44:38
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